The mission of the FOIA Officer is to provide access to records created by the Armed Forces Retirement Home. This includes the processing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) initial requests from the general public.
A written request must be submitted for AFRH records that reasonably describes the record(s) sought. The request also should indicate a willingness to pay processing fees even if it contains a request for a fee waiver. Written requests may be received by postal service or other commercial delivery means, by facsimile, or electronically. All requests must have a postal mailing address included, even if they are received by facsimile or electronically.
USPS Mailing:
3700 N. Capitol St. NW
Washington, DC 20011-8400
Commercial mailing address: AFRH
Sherman Bldg., Room 110
3700 N. Capitol St. NW
Washington, DC 20011-8400
Phone: 202.541.7554
FAX: 202.541.7508